Last update : January 25, 2025

Welcome to the 

Liège Greeters


Come as a visitor,

leave as a friend !

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Our walks are accessible to everyone, at your own pace, regardless of age and needs.
(slow walking, wheelchair, visually impaired, blindness, intellectual disability, …).

Please note when requesting!

 From januari 1, 2024  to   december 31, 2024

our 25 Greeters responded to 100 requests for guided walks,

to welcome 409 “friends”

Discover Liège from the inside.

You want to visit our beautiful City of Liège,

to marvel at its unusual corners, to meet its inhabitants there,

whose warm welcome and accent give it its nickname of

 » Cite Ardente « 

so, no hesitation, let yourself be piloted by a GREETER.

The term « Greeter » translates into French as « host » or « welcoming committee« .

The Greeters are volunteers in love and passionate about their city or their region

who enjoy welcoming visitors as they would welcome friends.

They volunteer their time to help you discover the places they love,

tell their story, their neighborhood and share their way of life.

Come alone or in a group of up to six people 

and discover the best deals during a stroll or a chat over a drink.

Whatever the form of discovery, the essential lies in the authentic encounter with an inhabitant.

A Greeter is not a professional tour guide.

He welcomes visitors, FREE, into his living environment and explains it with passion.

Our group of Greeters Liégeois is a member of the IGA

the International Greeter Association

and referenced on the site

(the Wallonie Belgique Tourisme’s site).

Fundamental values of the Greeters


Golden book

How to become a Greeter in Liège ?

© 2021   Admin : GeoDel


 Mail :  l i e g e . g r e e t e r s @ g m a i l . c o m 

Facebook : liège greeters   

N° d’entreprise 0777.553.186 – RPM Liège – 

IBAN BE07 1030 7759 9866– BIC NICA BE BB